Monday, April 12, 2010

Going to Town

Bryson and Myeesha working on their lap book.
Over the past week, we have been reading the story, Going to Town. Going to Town is a book by Laura Ingalls Wilder. These events took place over a hundred years ago. The characters in the story are Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura, and Carrie. The family lived in the Big Woods of Wisconsin. Pa was a very hard worker and told the family that once he got the crops planted, they would go into town. Mary, Laura, and Carrie had NEVER been to town. They all got ready the night before by curling their hair. Upon entering town, Laura was amazed at what she saw. She saw so many houses, and they were all so close together!

Marquavius and Shamiah hard at work!

This story took place during Colonial times! Ms. Strum talked with us about how things are different from then and everyday life now! We discussed how things are different. Ms. Strum told us that we were going to make a lap book on the story, Going to Town. There were different aspects of the book that we included in the lap book. We talked about the characters and setting. The class discussed what took place in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. We made a t-chart on the differences between the past and the present. Ms. Strum had us illustrate our lap book. This was a great way to show what we learned reading the story.

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