Thursday, April 1, 2010

Faculty Easter Egg Hunt

Everyone getting ready for the BIG Easter Egg Hunt!

Today Dr. Bowen and Mrs. Grigsby had a surprise for the Faculty and Staff! After school, everyone met Dr. Bowen and Mrs. Grigsby in the rotunda. Dr. Bowen told us that we were going to go on an egg hunt. She told us that there was $100 on the playground to be found. We were all given instructions that we could NOT push, shove, or fight for the Easter eggs. We all lined up in a row and on the count of 3, we were OFF to find the eggs!

They are OFF!

Mrs. Torrey and Mrs. Armstrong on the MOVE! Look at them GO!

Mrs. Meeks and Mrs. Wheat working together to find those eggs!

We had an AWESOME time on out egg hunt! After the egg hunt, we went to the cafetorium and redeemed our prizes. When we got to the cafetorium, we had water and popsicles! How nice and refreshing! We ALL earned a prize! Some people won prizes, while others won money. Thank you so much to Dr. Bowen, Mrs. Grigsby, and the PTA for all their hard work and time! What a GREAT and FUN-FILLED afternoon!

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